So I'm in class today. It's not a conventional class, it's sort of an open house/self passed type of thing. It's done on a computer program, all my class information is kept on a key card, so I can use different consoles, incase my usual one is busy.
So my next lesson has an experiment. It tells me all the things I need to get fromt he other computer lab down the hall, they have all the equipment there. I find the computer card, and the oscilloscope. Now I need a function generator. However, they only have them in this other lab. So I talk with Art (my teacher) and Bob, (the teacher in the other room) and it's decided to do my lesson in the other room.
So I'm going through my lesson, and I'm asked to use the oscilloscope to measure 4vpp. I'm all like "what?" so I get Bob to help me, he messes around with the oscilloscope, I already figured out a bunch of the controls, so he shows me how to read it. I mention that it seems odd that I'm asked to use an oscilloscope withough being taught. He says He wouldn't teach the class like that, but it was what Art was doing.
So I get through my lesson withought to much trouble, (except the test had a problem I felt good Bing able to figure that out.) as I show the mistake to Bob, and I finish my test. He askes to see my lesson layout, I open the window and show him. His response?
"This isn't fundamental electricity/electronics!"
"It isn't"
"No, this is much more advanced."
"So I've been taking the wrong course? Who would I talk to?"
"Ask Art."
So I ask Art, he looks at my class schedule, "What? You're taking fundamental electricity eletronics? I thought you were taking [some other class]"
"Really? So I've been taking what kind of class"
"This is a 300 level class."
Holy cow! I was like, weirded out. I was doing well in the class too. I had taken four tests already, and had gotten 100% on two, and 90% on the other two.
I feel smart.
So my next lesson has an experiment. It tells me all the things I need to get fromt he other computer lab down the hall, they have all the equipment there. I find the computer card, and the oscilloscope. Now I need a function generator. However, they only have them in this other lab. So I talk with Art (my teacher) and Bob, (the teacher in the other room) and it's decided to do my lesson in the other room.
So I'm going through my lesson, and I'm asked to use the oscilloscope to measure 4vpp. I'm all like "what?" so I get Bob to help me, he messes around with the oscilloscope, I already figured out a bunch of the controls, so he shows me how to read it. I mention that it seems odd that I'm asked to use an oscilloscope withough being taught. He says He wouldn't teach the class like that, but it was what Art was doing.
So I get through my lesson withought to much trouble, (except the test had a problem I felt good Bing able to figure that out.) as I show the mistake to Bob, and I finish my test. He askes to see my lesson layout, I open the window and show him. His response?
"This isn't fundamental electricity/electronics!"
"It isn't"
"No, this is much more advanced."
"So I've been taking the wrong course? Who would I talk to?"
"Ask Art."
So I ask Art, he looks at my class schedule, "What? You're taking fundamental electricity eletronics? I thought you were taking [some other class]"
"Really? So I've been taking what kind of class"
"This is a 300 level class."
Holy cow! I was like, weirded out. I was doing well in the class too. I had taken four tests already, and had gotten 100% on two, and 90% on the other two.
I feel smart.
At 11:33 AM,
Rachel said…
Wahaha! You're smart!
At 8:26 PM,
Anan said…
S-M-R-T Smart! :p
At 3:49 PM,
Heidi said…
Hehe! Cool! So are you keeping that class or changing to another one?
At 8:55 PM,
Katsuke said…
You put the rest of us to shame boy... seriously. How you do things like that is beyond me.
[sing-song] Genius boy, Genius boy... you deserve a hug-of-....joy?
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