Living the Middle Life

In soviet Russia, the middle life is living.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Goodbye Milky Way; Hello Andromeda!

So I was surfing around wikipedia for stuff on Galaxies.

I tell you, that is one fun thing to surf.

Well, as I was bopping around the pages I come across the Andromeda-Milky Way collision page. Apparently, by measuring the Redshift (or in this case "Blue shift") they calculated the velocity of the Andromeda Galaxy. It's heading towards us as a velocity of 301 ± 1 km/s. At that speed the estimated time before it gets here is around 2 billion years.

During my surfing I stumbled onto this Fox News article from last week (the 16th) on this very same subject.

A simple rundown of what it says is: In a few billion years when every who reads this is dead and wont care anymore, there is the smallest possibility that we might get shunted over to the Andromeda Galaxy.

Well, It's not that dramatic about it. It does state it in a more reasonable manner. But I still got a good laugh out of it.


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