Living the Middle Life

In soviet Russia, the middle life is living.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vacation Bible School

So Yesterday evening we went up to Peace, Sussex for VBS. Now, I had seen "VBS" written on the calender for this week, but I had no idea we were going. about fifteen minutes before were were supposed to leave mom calls out to us to ask if we're ready to go.

I'm rather glad I've trained myself to not ask questions. Because if I had, we would have had a long conversation explaining everything. And then I still would have had to end my three chats, put on my shoes*, and make a sandwich. So we would have been late.

As it was I only just asked why we were going, and was told VBS. and during the course of the preperation for leaving, I found out it was at Pr. Bender's church. Now, in the car ride up, I did ask more questions. Like, "why were we going?"

See, when I think of VBS, I think of 1st and 2nd graders doing craft projects. This is, after all, the only kind of VBS I had, up to that point, known of. It was also the only kind I've heard my friends talk about. So I had no idea why we would be driving a whole hour just for that.

It turnes out that it's not "traditional" VBS. It's really just an excuse for Pastor to have a week long bible study on prayer. Which is cool. I would have hated to spend a week doing "crafts".

*which are more like boots, so it's a bit of a chore.


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