From the last episode of Heroes, "I've never been in an Irish pub before. Do you have Haggis?" Bwahahaha! So funny. :'-)
Something cool, the last manager of the meat department at our store was named Greg, the new manager is named Matt. (I'm pretty sure the guy two managers before Greg was named Rick, but that was a long time ago.)
I had the ACT today. "OOoooo... spooky." Not really. It seemed more spooky in anticipation than in play. Totally. I forced myself to not stress over it. It wasn't too hard if I just forgot about how important this test is. Not bad. It was just whenever I asked myself why I trying to keep calm that I thought of it, and in doing so, ruined my plan.
The reading test wasn't as bad as the practice tests made it seem. All the practice tests were like, "What does this mean," or, "What does the author intended to say." But the real test were only questions about what was actually stated, and what was actually not.
The hardest part of the test wasn't until it was over. They made us copy out a sentence that swore I was who I said I was (and not some smart guy Paul hired to score well for him) and that I wouldn't disclose any of the questions on the test. It doesn't seem that daunting, but nooo, it is, because they had us write it out in cursive. I don't use cursive; I'm waaaay out of practice. I had to have held up the whole thing for a minute after everyone else was done.
I was so slow that the guy observing the test asked me afterwards about why it took me so long. It wasn't like he chased me down after I left the testing room or anything. He was just putzing around the room after everyone else had left, and I was the last of "everyone else" to leave. The very last. That's not a metaphor; it's literal. Not only am I slow at writing cursive, I'm also slow at leaving the room.
It's same way in my writing class up at Gateway. I'm usually the last to leave the room, and when we did the in-class essay, I was the very last to finish writing. (I actually just barely went over the end of class) In Driver's Ed we had no time limit on the tests, so, naturally, I was the last to finish. (I almost failed my driving test because I was too cautious. I only didn't fail because the tester couldn't fail me for that reason.) At work I've been reminded a few times that I don't go quite as fast as I should (nobody ever has, I honestly think their standards are ridicules), I haven't been fired because I'm just so darn good at EVERYTHING ELSE.
And back to the ACT, I never finished the tests, time always ran out first. I got between 4/5 on Math to 1/2 on Science. If it wasn't for the five minute warning I wouldn't have been able to quickly fill in all the answers I didn't get to (ensuring me about a 1/4 point for everyone I missed.) But the ones I did answer I'm pretty confident about. There are only a few questions that I said to myself, "I'm not too sure about this one, but I think it's D..."
I often think it would be fun to sew costumes. Cool costumes. But then I think to myself, "There's no point in even trying if I'm not going to do a good job."
I guess that's just the kind of guy I am. I prefer "quality over quantity." "Haste makes waste," and "Slow and steady wins the race."
Can be a pain sometimes.